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Journey and exploration coach that provides you a clear path to a successful and fulfilling life.

Elevate Your Life 

To The Next Level

Elevate Your Life

Learn Strategies to Overcome Challenges

Restore Balance & Control


Do You Struggle With:

Do you get in your own way through self-sabotage or
poor decision making?

Do you struggle connecting with people in your personal and professional life?

Floating through life with a lack of purpose and direction?

I can help.
0% Judgment.
100% Personalized.

Profit: Prioritizing and benefiting from value based interactions and outcomes

Purpose: Tapping into your natural born gifts and talents

Peace: Creating space void of distraction and conflict

On the outside it may appear you've got it all together. On the inside, you're at a breaking point. 

I help with stress, motivation, self confidence,
body issues, relationships, end-of-life fears, and many other adult and elder issues. 

My coaching works because I focus on a framework I named the PPP Principle. 


You're one action away from transforming your life.

Good news, I overcame it and so can you! I have proven strategies and actions you can take that will help you reduce the stress and better succeed in all that you do.

As a wellness and fitness coach for over 20 years (and a former fitness TV and radio host), I coach people like you who are ready to achieve the next level. As someone who is living my truth, I can help you find yours.

Asha Lewis


The people in our personal and professional lives, along with social norms has placed so much pressure on us to perform, provide, and succeed. The problem grows because you are never given the time to stop for a moment to think and put a game plan together for your life. It seems like everyone requires something of you but you can never get ahead or make everyone happy. I know what it feels like to not be enough, have enough, or feel enough to be satisfied.

I Get It!


How It Works

Don’t just take our word for it.

Take theirs.

Rose B.

Asha is extremely encouraging and uplifting. She helped me build my self-confidence to not only improve my physical capabilities, but also to increase my emotional and mental fortitude. Her enthusiastic spirit and friendly charm have made it a delight to work with her on a regular basis.

Sultana P.

Asha is a rare educator who brings energy, diversity, excellence and impeccable integrity to her work. She has been a great source of inspiration and education.

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